Restorative Dentistry Manassas, VA
Some of our restorative services include:
The most important thing is to prevent future problems with their permanent teeth. Our restorative treatments, such as a filling or crown, can improve the structure and lifespan of a damaged tooth. If a primary (baby) tooth is lost prematurely, it may cause the remaining teeth to shift out of position. In this case, we may recommend a space maintainer to keep the teeth in alignment and prevent eruption issues.
Manage the Pain
For some procedures, the pain and swelling will go down within a few days, and you might not even feel it. For others, you will either need to use ice or over-the-counter pain medication that we will recommend.
It is important not to poke at the painful or swollen areas, as that will not help them heal faster. Just take the over-the-counter medication as prescribed, and the pain will go away soon.
Recovering from a restorative dental surgery can be challenging, but your recovery days will be short if you follow our directions. Then you can get back to using your mouth and your new teeth. To determine the best restorative procedure for your child, please give us a call at 571-833-0344 to schedule an appointment and we would love to discuss all your options.